Terveisiä Uppsalasta!
Uuteen kämppään on kotiuduttu ja tarvittavat lisävarusteet (pari mattoa, viherkasvi, eväsrasia jne.) ostettu Ikeasta.
Hello guys and greetings from Uppsala!
Now I'm settled down in my new apartment and bought all the necessary stuffs (surprisingly) from Ikea.
Hello guys and greetings from Uppsala!
Now I'm settled down in my new apartment and bought all the necessary stuffs (surprisingly) from Ikea.
Aika haikein mielin sitä kyllä tuli lähdettyä reissuun, mutta täällä sitä nyt ollaan ja kotiväelle tiedoksi, että kaikki on hyvin! Matkassa oli siis muutama saattaja, joiden kanssa nautin "viimeisen ehtoollisen" hulppeassa laivan buffetissa. Heti Tukholmaan saavuttuamme olin aivan haltioissani ja ihastuin Ruotsiin lähes ensi silmäyksellä.
It was quite hard for me to make the final decision and move to a whole new country. But now I'm here and everything is going great! Just so that all you guys in Finland know that I'm alive and doing just fine.
Luckily I didn't have to come here (I mean cruise over the sea from Åbo to Stockholm) all by myself 'cause I had some escorts with me. With those lovely ladies we had an amazing so to speak "Last Supper" in the cruises restaurant.
Almost at the same minute when we arrived Stockholm and got out from the boat I was so thrilled about everything. So, I have to admit that from the first the glance that I took in Sweden.. I fell in love, simple as that. I really enjoy being here.
It was quite hard for me to make the final decision and move to a whole new country. But now I'm here and everything is going great! Just so that all you guys in Finland know that I'm alive and doing just fine.
Luckily I didn't have to come here (I mean cruise over the sea from Åbo to Stockholm) all by myself 'cause I had some escorts with me. With those lovely ladies we had an amazing so to speak "Last Supper" in the cruises restaurant.
Almost at the same minute when we arrived Stockholm and got out from the boat I was so thrilled about everything. So, I have to admit that from the first the glance that I took in Sweden.. I fell in love, simple as that. I really enjoy being here.
If you are still wondering.. yes we are relatives. But at least I'm the only one who doesn't wear glasses or at least not yet.
Saattajien apu oli kyllä tarpeen siinä kohtaan kun kävelimme vanhan kaupungin halki kohti rautatieasemaa, sillä vedettävä matkalaukkuni oli sen verran painava, että oli kiva saada välillä molemmat kädet vapaaksi turistina olemista varten.
It was so nice to have some people travelling with me 'cause my suitcase was so heavy! So, I might got a little help with it, but because of that I had a few chance to be a proper tourist and take pictures from everything.
It was so nice to have some people travelling with me 'cause my suitcase was so heavy! So, I might got a little help with it, but because of that I had a few chance to be a proper tourist and take pictures from everything.
Tällä viikolla meillä oli ensimmäiset infotilaisuudet koululla ja huomenna olisi vuorossa lisää. Varsinainen koulu alkaa vasta keskiviikkona, joten vielä on tovi aikaa ottaa rennosti! Päivät menevät kyllä paljolti erilaisissa tutustumistapahtumissa, jotka on tarkoitettu nimen omaan meille vaihto-opiskelijoille.
This week we had our first orientation programs and activities in our campus in Ultuna. My first lecture is gonna be at Wednesday. So, until then I've lot of time just to relax and take it easy.
This week we had our first orientation programs and activities in our campus in Ultuna. My first lecture is gonna be at Wednesday. So, until then I've lot of time just to relax and take it easy.
Waiting for Swedish fika
Eilen oltiin hakemassa ilmaista mainoskrääsää liittyen kaupungin tarjoamiin opiskelijapalveluihin, hyvinvointiin ja sitä rataa. Tapahtuma oli avoin kaikille uusille Uppsalan kansainvälisille opiskelijoille ja se järjestettiin siis yllä olevan kuvan osoittamassa paikassa, Svandammshallissa. Saatiin siinä samalla ilmainen ateria sekä mahti keikka Den Svenska Björnstammenilta. Ainiin ja 100 ensimmäistä kilttiä (lue köyhää, ahnetta ja epätoivoista) jonottanutta sai kangaskassan, joka sisälsi mm. heijastimen, kilikellon ja valot (tulevaan) pyörään, termosmukin ja nuudelipaketin. Paikan päällä oli myös eräänlainen arvonta, jonka pääpalkintona oli upouusi polkupyörä, mutta eipä se arpaonni suosinut tälläkään kertaan. Huomenna olisi tarkoitus metsästää itsellemme pyörät ja vieläpä halvat sellaiset, joten peukalot pystyyn!
Yesterday me and my friends went to this event that was meant to all the international students here in Uppsala. There was a lot of stands that offered different kind of stuff for free and f.ex. information about services for students. And besides all this we got a free dinner which is always very welcome among students. And at evening there was also a gig from Swedish band called Den Svenska Björnstammen.
Tomorrow we're going to find ourselves a bikes and hopefully will find a cheap ones. So, thumbs up!
Tämän ensimmäisen viikon aikana olen siis saanut tosi paljon uusia tuttavuuksia ympäri maailmaa. Ja nyt ollaan menty pääasiassa englannilla, mutta ehkä jossain kohtaa löytyy sopiva henkilö/henkilöitä joiden kanssa sparrata ruotsin kielen taitojani!
During this first week here in Sweden I've got a lot of new friends from all over the world. And so far I've been talking mainly English.. but hopefully soon I'm gonna start speak also Swedish and practice my skills. Just need some people to help me out with that.
During this first week here in Sweden I've got a lot of new friends from all over the world. And so far I've been talking mainly English.. but hopefully soon I'm gonna start speak also Swedish and practice my skills. Just need some people to help me out with that.
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
- Oscar Wilde
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